Sunday, July 25, 2010

Slip and Slide

I got out the slip and slide the other day. The kids had fun. The pictures speak for themselves. Evan loves his mask and snorkel!

6 Fish Family

We started a new hobby today. So much fun! It is called Letterboxing. It is a little like geocaching, but this is how it goes. You go to the letter boxing website to find directions to letterboxes hidden all over. When you find one, there is a stamp in there for your book and you stamp your stamp in their book. I decided on a fish stamp that has 3 fish on it and stamp it twice so there are 6 fish. One for each member of our family. It is like a giant treasure hunt. We found 3 letterboxes today and were unsuccessful finding our 4th. Give it a try!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Half way to Goodbye

Casey turned nine years old the other day. I can't believe it. It does not seem possible that he is that old. A talk show host I used to listen to always said that nine years old is half way to goodbye because they will only be in your care for nine more years before they turn 18. I wonder what the next 9 years will hold?